1) 请提供要进口设备的:具体中文名称,型号,产地,出厂日期,长宽高,重量,数量,成色,新、旧购买设备的货值,每台设备清晰的全景的正面、左,右两侧和铭牌部位图片各1张(好发到我
2) 其次,对于二手机电产品进口需要办理的手续有:进口旧机电产品商检备案,进口旧机电产品预装运前检验检疫证明,进口旧机电产品自动进口许可证或进口许可证,进口商检通关单,进口报关
3) 基本流程:客户提供要进口设备资料与图片→我司核算各种进口费用→报价→签定进口代理协议→我司在国内办理新旧机电设备设备进口商检备案与检验检疫申请→国外出口海运订仓→ 海运到中国香港→换单,提货→我司中国香港仓库→联系中国香港中检公司做检验→中检合格后→办旧机电进口许可证→从中国香港安排驳船到内河码头→口岸商检局换正本备案与检验检疫合格证书→我司报检→出商检通关单→商检局现场检验核对→ 我司准备进口报关资料→海关进口审核→出税单交税→海关查验→提货放行
4) 操作时间,正常需要28-33个工作日
First, new and old mechanical and electrical engineering equipment clearance process:
1) Please provide the specific Chinese name, model, origin, date of manufacture, length, width, height, weight, quantity, quality, value of new and old equipment purchased, and one picture of the front, left, right and nameplate of each clear panorama of the equipment.
The mailbox above
2) Secondly, the procedures for the import of second-hand electrical and mechanical products are as follows: import of used mechanical and electrical products for commercial inspection and record, inspection and quarantine certificate before pre-shipment of imported used mechanical and electrical products, automatic import license or import license for imported used mechanical and electrical products, import commodity inspection and customs declaration, import declaration.
3) Basic process: Customers provide imported equipment information and pictures our company accounting for various import fees quotation signing import agency agreement our company handles the new and old mechanical and electrical equipment importer inspection and quarantine application at home overseas shipping order warehouse shipping to Hong Kong exchange orders, delivery our company Hong Kong Warehouse Contact Hong Kong Inspection Company for inspection Inspection after passing Old mechanical and electrical import license Arrangement from Hong Kong barge to inland pier Port Commodity Inspection Bureau for the original filing and inspection and quarantine certificate Division I report to the inspection Export inspection and customs clearance Division I prepare import declaration data Customs Import audit, export tax payment, customs inspection, customs inspection, and delivery.
For projects that meet the above-mentioned requirements, the imported technology, supporting parts and spare parts with the equipment in accordance with the contract shall also be exempted from customs duties and value-added tax on imported links. Imported equipment to be exempted from tax, the first thing to see whether the project is a State-encouraged development of domestic investment projects or foreign investment projects. What are the main imported equipment, the amount of money is about how much, reference to the list of Non-duty-free imported goods, a rough list of tax-free equipment. (Note: The equipment included in the catalogue is definitely not exempt from duty, and those who are not in the catalogue can apply to the local customs for tax reduction and exemption. Then it was reported to the national development and Reform Commission to apply for encouraging project confirmation. After that, we can apply for duty free application in the import link to the territorial customs.
一台二手半导体设备从日本进口到大陆流程 二手设备进口会涉及到哪些问题,我公司帮你一一解答: (咨询电话:一五八一七七六零三二) 1) 二手设备进口,请问需要办理哪些资料?到哪些部门办理?. 2) 进口二手设备,有没有什么特殊的要求? 进口的税率是多少?? 3) 二手设备进口具体的清关流程怎么做? 4) 二手设备进口要提交什么材料? 5) 但在清关进口时,海关需我司提供进口许可证,现我们该如何办理该业务? 6) 二手设备进口时,请问需要国外客户提供哪些文件?我司需要提交给海关哪些单据资料? 进口旧设备大概预估要多长时间? 二手设备网上申请确定是否属于负面清单.:5~15工作天 中国香港中检:1~2天,*时间约为5~7天 进口许可证:5~10个工作天 驳船:1~3天 报检:2~3天 清关:3~5天 如果您有旧设备进口: 首先要弄清楚中文品名,用途,然后找准haiguan编码,查监管条件(haiguan编码上的信息可能不是较新的;找好haiguan编码后,确定要办进口许可证。 那么,就让专业的公司去帮您处理或者自己处理;准备相关资料,首先开通商务部网,,在网上填写申请表,同时,向进口商所在地的商检局网上申请确定是否属于负面清单.,;再通知国外把货发到中国香港,装运前检验也叫中检有两种:其一在中国香港做中检,中检OK后再把货发到进口公司*的码头清关;